
  • Gain deeper visibility into demographic & firmographic attributes of the visitors on your website, specifically job function, seniority, visitor location and more. 
  • Visualize your 1st party data in combination with Bombora's intent data within Bombora Audience Insights.
  • Build audiences from your website visitors and activate digital campaigns. 
  • Gain an understanding of your visitors’ onsite and offsite interests to power intelligent marketing strategies & turn visitors into sales pipeline.

How It works

Visitor Insights - Digital Activation is a lightweight asynchronous JavaScript tag that works in tandem with the standard Visitor Insights tag.

Once on a page, it will return known segmentations about the visitor through a JavaScript API.  You can customize the tag to return specific data points and take action on your visitor data throughout Bombora's products.

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Access all datapoints needed to engage & convert your visitors. 

Learn how Visitor Insights - Digital Activation not only provides immediate insights, but also unlocks the complete list of available data, propelling your site strategy to new heights.

Learn More
1. Generating and placing the tags


You should receive the following from your Account representative:

  1. Standard VI tag

  2. Real-Time VI tag

  3. Bombora Segment Taxonomy RTVI excel file

Tag Placements:

  1. Prefetch and preconnect our service (OPTIONAL)

    1. This step is optional, but we highly recommend it. To ensure low latency response times, we can take advantage of browser hints with link preconnect and dns-prefetch. Please add these two lines into your head section:

      1. <link rel="preconnect" href="">

      2. <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="">

    2. Reference:



  2. Placing the Standard VI tag

    1. NOTE: If you already have a standard Bombora VI tag placed, skip this step. 

    2. Deploy the Bombora standard VI JavaScript tag across all pages. The tag can be placed in either the header or footer.

  3. Placing the Real-Time VI tag

    1. The Real-Time VI tag should be placed in the header or as high up on the page as possible. The sooner this tag executes, then the faster data will be available.

See the full User Guide with detailed instructions to set up the Tag. 

Download the User Guide for  Visitor Insights - Digital Activation


Real-Time json Response

Receive the data in real-time via a json response back to the page to be used for real-time controls or aggregation into the platform of choice.

Download the user guide for more information.



Bombora Audience Insights

View your First-party data alongside Bombora's intent data to gain a better understanding of the interest of your visitors across the Bombora Co-op and build account-based campaigns.

Learn more about Audience Insights.


Bombora Audience Solutions

Build custom ABM segments using the Visitor Insights with Real-Time Capabilities drop down in the Bombora Digital Audience Builder (DAB).

Within DAB, you can combine Visitor Insights with with Company Surge® data to identify an even stronger Intent Signal.

Learn more about Audience Solutions.

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Daily or Weekly CSV File

Receive your visitor data in a daily or weekly csv file sent via sftp and aggregate this data into the platform of your choice. Contact your account rep to set up your daily or weekly feed via SFTP.

Download the user guide for more information.

Download the User Guide for  Visitor Insights - Digital Activation