Introduction: Prioritize Intent Qualified Accounts (IQA) for Sales & SDRs

Hear from our Customer Enablement Team why this playbook is the one that most customers begin with and how it sets a solid foundation that can greatly accelerate many of the other Playbooks.


In order to successfully run this Playbook, customers should have the following in place:

What do I need to run this Playbook?

  1. Outbound sales resources (AEs, SDRs, etc.), and a defined process for executing outbound sales.

  2. An existing sales process that is driven through your CRM (ex: SFDC), marketing automation platform (ex: HubSpot), or sales engagement tool (ex: Outreach). 

  3. It is recommended to have a Bombora integration into your CRM, marketing automation platform, or sales engagement tool. 

  4. Optional: It is recommended to have a process or tools in place to identify contacts for accounts. 

Who should lead this Playbook?

  • Lead: This Playbook should be run by a sales team leader such as an SDR manager, a sales manager, or (in some cases) a marketing lead gen leader.
  • Supporting team:
    • The admins for your CRM or MAP or other tool. This is typically the marketing or sales operations manager.
    • Optional: The team or person responsible for the GTM strategy for your products or services. This typically is a product marketing leader or your GTM team lead. 

1. Set the Foundation 

In this section we will establish information about your go-to-market (GTM) strategy and resources that will help you execute this playbook.

Resources: Foundational GTM checklist

2. Build your Signal(s) 

Create Signals for outbound sales that generally deliver businesses doing research on “center of the bullseye” intent topics. These Signals are ones in which sales people will act on immediately. 

You should aim to create a small number of core sales Signals that can be acted on by unique teams, with unique messaging, and/or within unique sales plays. For the purpose of outbound sales, you should not create multiple signals for the sake of having multiple signals.  

3.  Technical Implementation of the Data in your CRM, MAP or other sales tools.

This step is specifically for customers who:

  1. Haven't already set up your initial integration (new customers to Bombora going through onboarding). 
  2. Need to integrate NEW topics that were surfaced in step #2, "Build the Signal." 


4.  Activating the Data within your Sales Process

Now that the data is flowing in your CRM or MAP, you need to make the intent data actionable for your sales people.  As established in step 1 above, you should have a defined sales process or play, which you'll now build with intent data in your CRM, MAP, or other tools.

In general, we recommend account list prioritization views for each sales rep to view their assigned territory of accounts.

Learn best practices for setting up views or workflows to activate the data depending on your CRM or MAP integration.


  • Reports, views and workflows for Outbound Sales Prioritization using SFDC
  • Dashboards, lists and workflows for Outbound Sales Prioritization using HubSpot
  • Set Tasks for Outbound Sales Prioritization using Outreach
  • Setting up a Company Surge Report (best for customers who don't have the CRM or MAP integrations)

5.  Roll out to the Sales Team

With this Playbook, sales adoption is key.  Below are a few tips, recommendations, and best practices to utilize. 


6.  Measure Success

This step CANNOT BE SKIPPED! It’s not a matter of if someone will ask you if your intent data strategy is working, it’s only a matter of when.  All of the work you did upfront to determine your Signals, build your workflow, and activate the data, was designed to prioritize accounts for a true ABX (account-based experience) approach.

Without setting goals and measuring progress against your strategy, intent data is simply data.

Short-Term Metrics

In the short term, it's key to measure the effort that your team is taking alongside the initial responsiveness of the targeted accounts. Watching your efforts in the early days of implementing intent data is vital to long-term success.

Resources: Short-Term Metrics Overview & Checklist


Long-Term Metrics

Beyond these short term metrics, most Bombora customers measure the business impact of intent data in four main ways: Deal Size, Volume of opportunities/meetings, Speed to close, and/or Win-rate. 

Ideally, you will be able to measure all of these.  Some customers see success across all four, others maybe two or three, and in some may see significant gain in one area.  Measuring all four will allow you to attribute more success to your program, and in turn allow you to expand the data into more and more playbooks over time. 

Resources:  Long-Term Metrics Overview & Checklist



You've set up and run the Outbound Sales Prioritization Playbook. 

Now is the time to peruse other Playbooks to activate, but don't forget to revisit this Playbook and your GTM strategy for outbound sales to make sure your Signals are still strong, and your processes are working. 

Common Playbooks our other successful customers run next: